Sunday, January 25, 2009

Vincent Price

                    May 27th, 1911 to October 25, 1993       

Wow, I still can't believe it! I am wearing a Navajo, Sterling Silver and Turquoise bracelet from Mr. Price's private collection. My alltime favorite actor! I purchased it from his daughter Victoria. I don't think I will ever take it off! I even slept in it last night!! 

I have ALWAYS loved Vincent Price. To me he was the Everything man. He had everything. He was tall, good looking, intelligent, well spoken, artistic, sophisticated. I could listen to him speak endlessly.

He also loved animals! I recently read a book he wrote called " The Book of Joe" about his dog and him. I loved it. So Vincent. I could almost hear his voice while reading it. I also recently watched "The Sinister Image" video where in an interview he used the word Wonderful a lot and it hit me - that is what he was..WONDERFUL - Full of Wonder. A lover of life.

Gone But Not Forgotten - 


Wow, I can't believe how much time has gone by since my last post! A lot has happened!!

So much, that I don't think I am able to record my feelings at this time, but will revisit later when I can collect them along with my thoughts... for now I just want to jot down the events for posterity.

December 25th, 2008 - Larry had 5 seizures and Mom and I spent the day in the Hospital with him.

December 26th, 2008 - Florence Park Care Center called and noted that Dad should be admitted to Hospice.

Ok, now I can get back to blogging... recent events.